Behind the scenes of Swedish Agriculture

Book an agricultural technical- or study tour in Sweden where you will meet people with your own interest. It will give you time to see, listen, compare and discuss the most important industry – to make food!

Sweden is one of the biggest countries in Europe, with the main part covered with forest and water. Only 7% is cultivated land. So, Sweden may not be the biggest country for farming, but we are proud of the way we invest in our agriculture, always aiming for a better environment and better animal health. Sweden is known for a high level of animal welfare and has one of the lowest use of antibiotics for livestock. There is also a large development of tourism and food production on many farms.

Enjoy Sweden from coast to coast with a mixed agricutural tour, from Gothenburg to Stockholm. Suggested program 
Or why not take a tour from Copenhagen to Stockholm. Suggested program

Learn how the Swedes have been able to achieve this high standard and how they work for the future. Contact us for an itinerary. 

Thanks to the Gulf Stream, Sweden have a good climate for agriculture with a growing season from early April and harvest from July to September. Since Sweden is such a long country (1572 km) the conditions for cultivating land vary greatly between the north and the south, with the south having almost 100 days longer growing period.

Arable and vegetable tours - The itinerary of your customized farm tour would most likely take part in southern Sweden, around and south of Stockholm maybe with an end in Wonderful Copenhagen, Denmark. Some suggestions of what to see:

  • Traditional farms, organic and conventional with modern technique for a sustainable arable farming 
  • Optimizing farm inputs
  • From field to fork; projects, dealers, advisors, management
  • Development of plants, research of plants and systems

Livestock tours - Study trips with a focus on livestock, breeding, production and animal health can be offered in all Sweden, but the most intense farming has its base from around Stockholm all the way south. Arrival best to Gothenburg, Stockholm or Copenhagen.

  • Visit modern and future thinking farmers on their farms
  • Visit universities and livestock organisations to hear about general farming
  • Meet successful breeders of for ex Swedish Holstein or the Swedish Red
  • Learn how we deal with environment and technique in our stables
  • See how farmers cope with bioenergy for their farm and for sale

Swedish farmers are happy to show their farms and look forward to sharing their knowledge with you!

Get in touch with us!

Links to important Swedish agricultural operators

LRF is the main agricultural organisation with almost 170.000 members, both farmers and people living on the countryside

Jordbruksverket (the Swedish Board of Agriculture)

National Cooperatives:

Arla Foods, Danish/Swedish global dairy company

Lantmännen - largest cooperatives within food, energy, and agricultural industries

Väderstad - producer of soil cultivation and seeding technology 

De Laval, dairy equipment company, presented in more than 100 countries.

Viking Genetics, the Nordic breeding company for cattle with among others the breed Viking red and Viking Holstein